I use these wall progressions which are an exact match to the ones in my student books, and are supported with the success criteria slips. A comprehensive help for writing! Grab the writing progressions free below! Or the slips to add even more to your programme. Writing Progressions (wall display and book version)
Writing progressions (wall display and book version) This is a free addition to the writing success criteria slips that I have on my website. These are the full wall and book progressions that align with the slips. Find these resources here. This freebie comes with:
These can be used for students to view the progressions in each writing level in their books to document evidence of the learning, or as an interactive tracker by printing the pencil off and writing the name for the child, and placing this on the tracker. Children can use this to visibly see what they are working on and what they are aiming for with the rest of the progressions. Writing success criteria slips
Writing Success Criteria Slips These writing success criteria slips are a great way for students to see their writing goal in a model. These slips are around different writing learning intentions and have a child's speak 'I can' statement underneath to support the learning. These are aimed at junior level learning intentions for writing, covering emergent to 2B surface and deeper level intentions. This has 72 different success criteria slips that can be used in writing. This resource also comes with a goal template and reflection slip also.
It's the end of term - and boy has it been a tricky one! With lockdown messing up 6 weeks of it, we have definitely been through a lot. Although it has been one term to remember, there have been some great memories we have made, foundations we have built on and goals we have achieved. And a great way to reflect on that is with this awesome template! Print this off, use on Seesaw or as an end of term reflection discussion. Easy to implement into you end of term classroom activities or even if you are online via distant learning.
Click on the link below to go to the pdf version, or Google slides version to use as a Seesaw activity. My kids love listening to music in class and have lots of different songs we listen to. Quite often we listen to kidsbop - kids versions of popular songs that have been rerecorded without swear words or in appropriate versions for children. We also like to listen to originals, so I have searched and put together this youtube playlist of lyric versions you can play in class. These are videos of the songs with lyrics so could be used in singing time, learning time or for fun! Find the link to this playlist at the bottom to listen to the songs or add it to your own playlist for school.
I have used this template to help my students keep track of rotation times, to be on task and then have a tidy up reminder too - to stop the unnecessary pausing or fluffing around. Great for any year level, simply adapt it to add your own ideas!
Try three before me 💭 Part of our classroom practice is building student agency & strategies to help them problem solve before coming to the teacher. We’ve been experimenting with a few different ways & my kids have helped me come up with this! Try 3 before me! 1. Ask yourself - what do you think you might need to do? What could you try? 2. Look around - what are others doing? Is there something in the room that could help you eg instructions? 3. Ask a friend - ask someone for help or ask someone else after that if you still don’t know. A great thing to add to your classroom or bank of resources to help build student agency amongst themselves and/or across your students. Grab this freebie on the link here or by pdf download underneath.
100s day is an amazing day that I run in my classroom every day as part of calendar maths. Learning the calendar is an important part of our maths programme - with the focus on days of the week, months, years, weather, seasons and days in school. Each day you have at school we add to our count, incorporating place value into this so students are learning concepts of moving ones to tens, and tens to hundreds. My kids love calendar maths and always remind me when we haven't done it during the day yet. Part of calendar maths that I run is 100s day. A class celebration that we have to celebrate being at school for 100 days and being 100 days smarter. You never reach 200 days so it is a great celebration to be able to move your tens bundles to the hundreds in place value. It is always so much fun and I always go way extra to make sure my kids have a great celebration! Check out some of the photos below of what I do with my kiddies and have set up for 100s day!
Activities on the day We complete a variety of activities on the day that are around the number 100. Counting to 100, 100 dances, 100 second challenges, creating things with blocks, lego, cups etc using 100 items only, 100 day writing prompts, 100 day reflection activities and more! So many easy ideas to complete - just google 100s day! Need some calendar maths resources? Search 'calendar' maths on my website or find an interactive freebie resource below. Click on the picture for the link to the template.
End of day reflection cards
End of day reflection cards These cards are a great way to end the day, with students reflecting on their day with these question and reflection prompts. Use these however you wish - on a wall, on a ring, in a box and choose one to discuss each day. These cards involve 30 question prompts that can be used for end of day reflection. Some of these include:
This comes as a pdf download for you to print and laminate to ensure durability. Why use end of day reflection?
End of day reflection time is a great way for students to talk through the day. Its a great time to reflect on the positives, goal set for the next day or just have conversations to debrief. I have done end of day reflection for years and my students find it a great way to hear from everyone. I also love hearing from students that might not have spoken or shared during the day. End of day reflection is a great thing to add into your daily classroom timetable - I allocate 5-10 minutes right before bell and it sets everyone up for a great afternoon! Have a try and let me know how you go! I have been asked a lot recently about how i run my writing programme so I created this video to share some main tips on what I have going on. This is how I run it currently in my Year 0-2 classroom. Find some of my key writing resources below. These are used in my classroom to support my planning and how I run it - plus other freebies I have on my website too. Search 'writing' in the search bar to find them! Writing Goal Cards and checklists
Writing Goal and Checklists This writing goal and checklist pack is perfect for those teachers looking for a range of goal cards and checklists to help structure your writing programme! There are different templates in this pack so you can see what works for you, your class and your needs! Perfect for looking for differentiation or something specific. Included is:
In this pack there are 17 pages. Table Writing Charts
Table Writing Charts These table writing charts are the perfect addition to your writing programme. These provide students will images, words and phonics prompts to help them decode and complete their writing. Included are: -alphabet chart -adjacent consonants /digraphs chart -word card These are larger A4 versions of my mini anchor charts. Writing Anchor Charts
Writing Anchor Charts These anchor charts are a great way to assist students and classwork when working through the writing process/journey. They unpack each aspect of writing with an example for students to refer back to. This consists of 5 anchor charts: -brainstorm/plan -draft -revise -edit -publish Use these as a classroom wall display for students to remember what each aspect entails. Print these off and laminate to ensure durability. There are 9 pages in this resource. Work on writing templates
Work on Writing Templates These templates are perfect for Work on Writing (part of Daily 5) or just for writing templates in your classroom! These include five different examples and templates for writing topics. Included are: -card example and template -letter example and template -note example and template -postcard example and template -story example and template Also included a title sign for each of the five templates. There are 20 pages in this resource. Writing pencil progressions
Writing Pencil Progressions These writing pencil progressions are a great way of students keeping track of their learning through the levels. Students can move through the 4 pencils as they make progressions in their learning. This pack includes: 1B > 2B 2B > 3B 3B > 4B 4B > 5B 5B > 6B Each pencil is coloured and has statements about the progressions about it. Writing success criteria slips
Writing Success Criteria Slips These writing success criteria slips are a great way for students to see their writing goal in a model. These slips are around different writing learning intentions and have a child's speak 'I can' statement underneath to support the learning. These are aimed at junior level learning intentions for writing, covering emergent to 2B surface and deeper level intentions. This has 72 different success criteria slips that can be used in writing. This resource also comes with a goal template and reflection slip also. Google apps are a great tool to use in the classroom - regardless of your age of students. They are free to use, multi-purpose and allow for creative opportunities in the classroom. Google incorporates a range of apps like docs, sheets, slides, drawings, sites and more! Each of these can be used in many different ways depending on your age and students you teach. Here I will share five simple ideas for using Google in your classroom! I have used Google forms for lots of different curriculum areas, especially in maths or data gathering. I love using it to gather voice and then create data sheets to show the information that is displayed. Check out a few examples of Google forms in use below.
Nothing like a fun, hands on explorative activity around alphabet and initial sounds. This could be used in either way, with a focus on alphabet or on initial sounds. Students select a foam letter from the bin and tick it on their recording sheet. Students name the letter while pulling it out before placing the tick. Students could also think of something beginning with that letter, or the sound it makes if you are looking for extension ideas. This is lots of fun and really hands on as my students loved exploring through the bucket or 'soup' of letters and other fun things to touch.
I have been working hard over the past few weeks to bring and add a few new resources to the online store! These vary in curriculum area, being writing, computer use, maths and phonics! Each of these are shared below - click to go to the resource to read more! Purpose of writing anchor charts
Purpose of writing anchor charts This resource is great for unpacking the purpose and types of writing. There is a cover sheet with it broken down into five sub pages to explain each purpose of writing. These include: Persuade Inform Entertain Explain Describe Use these as whole class discussions, to unpack each purpose of writing and it shows examples of the type of text that could be covered within it too. This contains 9 pages. iPad, computer and chromebook license
iPad, computer and chromebook license This resource is great for students learning to use the iPad, computer or chromebook. These come in both individual device and shared device wording - depending on your purpose. Print these out after talking through expectations with your students, add their name, a photo and their signature. There is a space for teacher name/sign too. Fairy tale problem solving
Fairy tale problem solving These problem solving templates are fairy tale themed for those of you looking at fairy tales. These cover three different levels of problems: -making sets to 10 -add/sub to 10 -add/sub to 20 These are themed around fairy tales and have spaces for students to draw their solving, show it on a tens frame, show it on a number line and then their answer space. There is also a bonus question for students to solve on the add/sub to 20 templates. This includes 37 pages in the resource. Fairy tale problem solving (freebie)
Fairy tale problem solving These problem solving templates are fairy tale themed for those of you looking at fairy tales. These cover three different levels of problems: -making sets to 10 -add/sub to 10 -add/sub to 20 These are themed around fairy tales and have spaces for students to draw their solving, show it on a tens frame, show it on a number line and then their answer space. There is also a bonus question for students to solve on the add/sub to 20 templates. This includes 7 pages in the resource. Phonics initial sounds, VC and CVC
Phonics - initial sounds, CV and CVC This phonics pack helps introduce and teach beginning concepts about phonics. These work through initial sounds, CV words and then CVC words. This pack can be used in whole class teaching, small groups or individual activities like follow ups or next steps to support learning opportunities. This pack includes 134 pages of resources covering:
Print out your resources and laminate to ensure durability. These are great for beginning learners exploring phonics, vowels and consonants.
These can be used and presented in any way you wish. I have mine using these boxes from Spotlight for each stage of maths. If you are using these boxes, please see this printing help sheet attached here to show you how to print for them to fit. If you are not using these boxes, then print and display however you feel is necessary to support you and your students. Download a copy of the printing help sheet below.
Stage 4 Maths
Stage 4 Maths This resource is a fabulous resource for those of you with students working in Stage 4. It includes activities, games and ideas that can be used in an independent maths programme, or alongside your teaching sessions. This bundle is perfect for beginning teachers looking to set up their maths section, or a teacher looking for more ideas. It includes a learning progression sheet that highlights the areas for number knowledge and number strategy in Stage 4. The resources follow the learning progression and are noted in the top right hand corner with what progression they match too. Stage 4 includes:
It also comes with decorations for your box to keep track of your resources. This resource pack is best laminated to ensure durability and can be used with whiteboard pens as wipe sheets. These align with NZ Curriculum pink book learning progressions. This resource has 187 pages in it. Stage 3 Maths
Stage 3 Maths This resource is a fabulous resource for those of you with students working in Stage 3. It includes activities, games and ideas that can be used in an independent maths programme, or alongside your teaching sessions. This bundle is perfect for beginning teachers looking to set up their maths section, or a teacher looking for more ideas. It includes a learning progression sheet that highlights the areas for number knowledge and number strategy in Stage 3. The resources follow the learning progression and are noted in the top right hand corner with what progression they match too. Stage 3 includes:
It also comes with decorations for your box to keep track of your resources. This resource pack is best laminated to ensure durability and can be used with whiteboard pens as wipe sheets. These align with NZ Curriculum pink book learning progressions. There are 89 pages in this resource. Stage 2 Maths
Stage 2 Maths This resource is a fabulous resource for those of you with students working in Stage 2. It includes activities, games and ideas that can be used in an independent maths programme, or alongside your teaching sessions. This bundle is perfect for beginning teachers looking to set up their maths section, or a teacher looking for more ideas. It includes a learning progression sheet that highlights the areas for number knowledge and number strategy in Stage 2. The resources follow the learning progression and are noted in the top right hand corner with what progression they match too. Stage 2 includes:
It also comes with decorations for your box to keep track of your resources. This resource pack is best laminated to ensure durability and can be used with whiteboard pens as wipe sheets. These align with NZ Curriculum pink book learning progressions. There are 97 pages in this resource Stage 5 Maths
Stage 5 Maths This resource is a fabulous resource for those of you with students working in Stage 5. It includes activities, games and ideas that can be used in an independent maths programme, or alongside your teaching sessions. This bundle is perfect for beginning teachers looking to set up their maths section, or a teacher looking for more ideas. It includes a learning progression sheet that highlights the areas for number knowledge and number strategy in Stage 5. The resources follow the learning progression and are noted in the top right hand corner with what progression they match too. Stage 5 includes:
It also comes with decorations for your box to keep track of your resources. This resource pack is best laminated to ensure durability and can be used with whiteboard pens as wipe sheets. These align with NZ Curriculum pink book learning progressions. There are 177 pages in this resource. Stage 1 Maths
Stage 1 Maths This resource is a fabulous resource for those of you with students working in Stage 1. It includes activities, games and ideas that can be used in an independent maths programme, or alongside your teaching sessions. This bundle is perfect for beginning teachers looking to set up their maths section, or a teacher looking for more ideas. It includes a learning progression sheet that highlights the areas for number knowledge and number strategy in Stage 1. The resources follow the learning progression and are noted in the top right hand corner with what progression they match too. Stage 1 includes:
It also comes with decorations for your box to keep track of your resources. This resource pack is best laminated to ensure durability and can be used with whiteboard pens as wipe sheets. These align with NZ Curriculum pink book learning progressions. There are 68 pages in this resource. On Sale On Sale Stage 1-6 Maths Bundle
Stage 1-6 Maths Bundle This is a bundle pack of my Stage 1-6 Maths. Grab them all individually or in one cheaper bundle. These resources are fabulous for those of you with students working in Stage 1-6. It includes activities, games and ideas that can be used in an independent maths programme, or alongside your teaching sessions. This bundle is perfect for beginning teachers looking to set up their maths section, or a teacher looking for more ideas. It includes a learning progression sheet that highlights the areas for number knowledge and number strategy in Stage 1- Stage 6. The resources follow the learning progression and are noted in the top right hand corner with what progression they match too. It also comes with decorations for your box to keep track of your resources. This resource pack is best laminated to ensure durability and can be used with whiteboard pens as wipe sheets. These align with NZ Curriculum pink book learning progressions. **This will be downloaded as a zip file so please make sure you have access to be able to unzip to access the files. A question I get asked quite often is how can student icons be changed! This cheat sheet shows you how to walk through it and change the icon they might have been pre allocated. You can even use student photos or other images instead of the Seesaw provided ones!
I love STEAM or STEM time (whichever you prefer to say/use) and have created these task cards to bring STEAM or STEM time into your classroom with a fairy tale/nursery rhyme theme. This resource is something I am really passionate about, as are my kids! How these have been working is we watch a matching video clip or story from Youtube. We have some thinking and question time to connect with the story and the activity that we will be working on. I then give students the activity prompt and we discuss what it could look like. Of course aspects like class materials need to be talked about especially if there is something you do/don't want students to use while completing the activity. Check out some of the pictures of my class creations with the activities!
AuthorMrs Priestley ICT blog is a place to read, download and view ideas! Archives
February 2024