Depending on how you teach phonics and sounds, this could simply be a supporting sound chart for your classroom. Or you could source your own activities and follow on work to work through these with your students as a sound of the day or week. There is variation for this resource to be adapted for your classroom! Sound wall and week targets
Sound wall and week targets This resource is a great addition to any classroom that is exploring sounds of the day or week. A sound wall is great for students to see how sounds are related and represented; with this resource also including sound mouths for students to imitate. This resource comes with:
Sound cards included are:
This resource has 58 pages in it. It comes in two font styles - New Zealand font and straight Best to laminate the charts for classroom use and to ensure durability. This comes as a zip folder so ensure you have software to unzip it.
Students then get a copy of the exact same whole class 3 star slip for their work. This will be attached to their evidence or work done, and be highlighted or annotated to show how they achieved it. There is a space for teacher comment too. These are exact copies of the whole class ones being created so there is consistency and opportunities for reflection and further learning.
These templates I have made are fully editable so find the link below, make a copy and then you will be able to edit them and use them in your classroom! To align with my assessment teacher book, I created an overall tracker online. This is made on Google sheets, for you to be able to make a copy of and use (as is) or edit to add your own information in. This can then be printed off and used in your classroom or folder; or as a digital online version. This is free so make a copy of it for yourself at the bottom! ![]()
My Holiday Flip Book
My Holiday Flip Book This resource is a great recount publishing template for holiday reflections upon coming back to school. This is made into a flip book with a publishing template on the back for writing. It includes: My feelings page Where did I go Who was I with What did I do My publishing The first pages can be used as brainstorming pages and then the publishing can be used to write or publish finished copies. Discovery and explore charts are a great addition to your classroom. These can be used in lots of different ways whilst exploring a new topic, new wonderings, questions students might have or around a discovery or exploration table. These come with the headings 'discovery' and 'explore', and have different versions to suit students and ages. Some have a table to help keep ideas in seperate places, some free space, wonderings pages, question pages and KWL pages.
The great part about this resource is the number sentence strips that come with it too. Students can then write down their problems and answers to make sure they have solved it correctly. A great part to share the learning. Download it free for a limited time at the bottom of this post! Let's go shopping maths
Let's go shopping maths This resource is a great progression from set making to adding/subtracting to 20 with a shopping theme. Use the little shop items from New World to place on their playing boards or simply use counters/beans that you have around. This includes: -set making to 20 -addition cards to 20 -subtraction cards to 20 Print off the right playing board and matching playing cards, laminate to ensure durability and the number sentence strip too. Students can complete their number sentence once they have solved their problem. Check out my other little shop from New World resource here. Ive been working hard these holidays to create resources that both you and your students will love!! Both freebies and paid resources, that can be implemented in your classroom once you return after the holidays. Check them out below! Exit Slips for my Stage 1-5 Maths Packs... Stage 1 Exit Slips
Stage 1 Exit Slips These are a great reflection, formative assessment or follow up exit slip that can be used to support the Stage 1 resource pack. This is aligned to the NZ Curriculum Maths stages, with this one covering Stage 1. To purchase the Stage 1 resource please find it here. To purchase the Stage 1-5 bundle resource please find it here. The stage 1 exit slips have 4 exit slips for each learning intention:
Print off these exit slips and have them handy for your students. **Recently updated with new font and 4 per page. If you have purchased these previously and want the updated version; send [email protected] a message with your order number. Stage 2 Exit Slips
Stage 2 Exit Slips These are a great reflection, formative assessment or follow up exit slip that can be used to support the Stage 2 resource pack. This is aligned to the NZ Curriculum Maths stages, with this one covering Stage 2. To purchase the Stage 2 resource please find it here. To purchase the Stage 1-5 bundle resource please find it here. The stage 2 exit slips have 4 exit slips for each learning intention:
Print off these exit slips and have them handy for your students. **Recently updated with new font and 4 per page. If you have purchased these previously and want the updated version; send [email protected] a message with your order number. Stage 3 Exit Slips
Stage 3 Exit Slips These are a great reflection, formative assessment or follow up exit slip that can be used to support the Stage 3 resource pack. This is aligned to the NZ Curriculum Maths stages, with this one covering Stage 3. To purchase the Stage 3 resource please find it here. To purchase the Stage 1-5 bundle resource please find it here. The stage 3 exit slips have 4 exit slips for each learning intention:
Print off these exit slips and have them handy for your students. **Recently updated with new font and 4 per page. If you have purchased these previously and want the updated version; send [email protected] a message with your order number. Stage 4 Exit Slips
Stage 4 Exit Slips These are a great reflection, formative assessment or follow up exit slip that can be used to support the Stage 4 resource pack. This is aligned to the NZ Curriculum Maths stages, with this one covering Stage 4. To purchase the Stage 4 resource please find it here. To purchase the Stage 1-5 bundle resource please find it here. The stage 4 exit slips have 4 exit slips for each learning intention:
Print off these exit slips and have them handy for your students. **Recently updated with new font and 4 per page. If you have purchased these previously and want the updated version; send [email protected] a message with your order number. Stage 5 Exit Slips
Stage 5 Exit Slips These are a great reflection, formative assessment or follow up exit slip that can be used to support the Stage 5 resource pack. This is aligned to the NZ Curriculum Maths stages, with this one covering Stage 5. To purchase the Stage 5 resource please find it here. To purchase the Stage 1-5 bundle resource please find it here. The stage 5 exit slips have 4 exit slips for each learning intention:
Print off these exit slips and have them handy for your students. **Recently updated with new font and 4 per page. If you have purchased these previously and want the updated version; send [email protected] a message with your order number. On Sale On Sale Stage 1-6 Exit Slips
Stage 1-6 Exit Slips This is a bundle pack of my Stage 1-6 Exit Slips. Grab them all individually or in one cheaper bundle. These are a great reflection, formative assessment or follow up exit slip that can be used to support the Stage resource pack. This is aligned to the NZ Curriculum Maths stages, with this one covering all five stages of Stage 1-6 exit slips. Print off these exit slips and have them handy for your students.These align with NZ Curriculum pink book learning progressions. **This will be downloaded as a zip file so please make sure you have access to be able to unzip to access the files. **Recently updated with new font and 4 per page. If you have purchased these previously and want the updated version; send [email protected] a message with your order number. Some new freebies... Let's go shopping maths
Let's go shopping maths This resource is a great progression from set making to adding/subtracting to 20 with a shopping theme. Use the little shop items from New World to place on their playing boards or simply use counters/beans that you have around. This includes: -set making to 20 -addition cards to 20 -subtraction cards to 20 Print off the right playing board and matching playing cards, laminate to ensure durability and the number sentence strip too. Students can complete their number sentence once they have solved their problem. Check out my other little shop from New World resource here. Stage 1-7 Maths assessment progressions and wall trackers
Stage 1-7 Maths assessment progressions and wall trackers This is a free addition to the Stage 1-7 Maths Packs resources that I have created for Stage 1-7 in New Zealand. Find these resources here. This freebie has an assessment progression sheet for each stage. This can be used in modelling books, with assessments or as a tracker. Print one out per student or modelling book - whichever your preference. This freebie also includes wall progressions. These can be used for students to view the progressions in each stage, or as an interactive tracker by printing the calculators off and writing the name and learning intention for the child. Children can use this to visibly see what they are working on and what they are aiming for with the rest of the progressions. This fantastic high frequency word pack for NZ classrooms NZ High Frequency Word Pack (magenta to green)
NZ High Frequency Pack This comprehensive pack provides many opportunities for students to practice their high frequency words in class and at home. This pack features over 300 pages of word based activities for the New Zealand colour wheel common words in magenta, red, yellow, blue and green. This pack features:
There are attached instruction sheet for each aspect of the pack to explain how they work or to be used as cover sheets for the activities. It is best if the activities are laminated to ensure durability but not necessary. These can be used as whole class, buddy or individual activities. The word mats and book marks could be sent home for additional word practice. Sparkle words are a great way to practice identifying key high frequency words from magenta to green reading level. Each page contains a sparkle word which students need to look for amongst the other high frequency words. This includes 133 pages in this activity with words for magenta, red, yellow, blue and green level common words.
Sparkle Words
Sparkle words Sparkle words are a great way to practice identifying key high frequency words from magenta to green reading level. Each page contains a sparkle word which students need to look for amongst the other high frequency words. This includes 133 pages in this activity with words for magenta, red, yellow, blue and green level common words. Print these out and laminate them for an activity using counters, or print for a paper activity to circle or bingo dot the words once they have found them. This could even be shared to your Seesaw activity library to be used online. Alternatively use these in whole class activities as warm ups or word work hot spots! |
AuthorMrs Priestley ICT blog is a place to read, download and view ideas! Archives
February 2024